Wyatt’s Wrap-Up (May 14th, 2024)
Here are links, reflections, and other things I found significant in the last week.
Why I Went Cold Turkey on Political Theology
Alistair Roberts recently wrote a helpful article on political theology. Read it here.
What’s on Wyatt Graham’s Bookshelf? 10 Favorites
Logos asked me to recommend 10 books. You can find my list here.
We Are Resident Aliens
For The Gospel Coalition Canada, I wrote an article describing our status in this world as one of “resident aliens” from the letter to First Peter. To my mind, this analogy best describes how we are of the world but not in the world—how we have our citizenship in heaven and yet live in countries not of our own. And it’s biblical. Read the article here.
Institution Building Requires Virtue
For Mere Orthodoxy, I argued that institution building requires virtue. Contrasting the biblical teaching of two cities, I tried to show that we can only build institutions where God has placed his name, and since we are the building of God, we must be virtuous for anything to flourish here and have lasting impact. The city of man is built on violence and vengeance by contrast. Read the article here.
Is Tech Good for Us? (May 24)
On May 24th, I will be speaking at Temple Baptist Church in Cambridge, Ontario for the Chesterton Lecture—basically a public talk that anyone can come to for free. I'll be talking about technology and specifically digital media, asking the question, "Is it good for us." Click here to learn more.

Social Life (May 30)
Six days later on May 30th, I’ll speak on a similar topic at Redeemer Bible Church at 7pm as well! This talk will focus more on the biblical foundations of technology as describes in the Book of Genesis. To learn more, click here.